Wednesday, May 06, 2009

there is this ritual that we have come gift-receiving time. you hold three dimensions of something in your hand, all wrapped up and you say thank you it's just what i've always wanted.

prophesy or faith?

do you know just what you've always wanted? i have an image of certainty, the sum total of a currently lived life carving out want shaped holes. are those wrapped things just the right shape lengthwidthheight to fill them? such precision of desire. or is it trial and error - do we cram these packages with prods and fluffings til they somewhat fit, an odd ear poking out, a corner not quite filled?

what is the shape of your want? open the package is it a book or a little glass horse or a cake? or a fingernail, a pond, a piece of paper? actually it's nothing you ever wanted. not in a bad way, just that you never really thought it. thank you it's just what i've always wanted quandary. what provokes a gift?

we are always receiving. a blue sky, a life altering event, a person, a grudge, a talent, an ambition, a place, a taste. i am curious about the alchemy that fulfills gifts into what we've always wanted.


Alchemy (Arabic: الخيمياء al-khimia) - "the art of transformation" is both a philosophy and a practice with an aim of achieving ultimate wisdom as well as immortality, involving the improvement of the alchemist as well as the making of several substances described as possessing unusual properties.

ultimate wisdom, immortality, improvement of the alchemist, and making several substances possessing unusual qualities is achievable four basic changes of state brought about by 12 core processes

1. Decomposition

Decomposition through Calcination
Decomposition through Digestion
Decomposition through Fermentation/Putrefaction

2. Modification

Modification through Congelation/Coagulation
Modification through Fixation
Modification through Ceration

3. Separation

Separation through Distillation
Separation through Sublimation
Separation through Filtration

4. Union

Union through Solution
Union through Multiplication
Union through Projection


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