is something for you?
what does it mean that something is for you? do you subscribe to the belief that there is some evolving path that is particularly yours? aside: this question popped into my mind. are you necessary? if you don't think so, what are you doing that makes you feel that way? or what are you not doing? which begs the question- are there things you should be doing that you are not?
there is this thing called perspective. in another modality called attention. in another modality called limitation. joe and harry have a more descriptive framework called a window
on the x axis the knowns and the unknowns applicable to the self knowing the self. on the y axis the knowns and the unknowns applicable of others knowing you. it describes lines of sight and blind sides. an interesting 360 degrees.
imagine yourself standing looking at a horizon spread out before you. and then recalling that there is everything behind you that you can't even see through your peripheral vision. you can assume it's there but you have no real objective idea what it looks like. it is behind your head after all.
the johari window forms a matrix of perspectives and that which is knowable. while assuming that perspectives are limited and the knowable is incomplete. there is a built in that which we, you looking at me, and i, cannot know.
interesting. in classifications there are: what only i know, what others and i know, what only others know, and what neither others nor i know. a startling blind spot.
in the intersections of all that we, neither you or i know, is something for you?
what does it mean that something is for you? do you subscribe to the belief that there is some evolving path that is particularly yours? aside: this question popped into my mind. are you necessary? if you don't think so, what are you doing that makes you feel that way? or what are you not doing? which begs the question- are there things you should be doing that you are not?
there is this thing called perspective. in another modality called attention. in another modality called limitation. joe and harry have a more descriptive framework called a window
on the x axis the knowns and the unknowns applicable to the self knowing the self. on the y axis the knowns and the unknowns applicable of others knowing you. it describes lines of sight and blind sides. an interesting 360 degrees.
imagine yourself standing looking at a horizon spread out before you. and then recalling that there is everything behind you that you can't even see through your peripheral vision. you can assume it's there but you have no real objective idea what it looks like. it is behind your head after all.
the johari window forms a matrix of perspectives and that which is knowable. while assuming that perspectives are limited and the knowable is incomplete. there is a built in that which we, you looking at me, and i, cannot know.
interesting. in classifications there are: what only i know, what others and i know, what only others know, and what neither others nor i know. a startling blind spot.
in the intersections of all that we, neither you or i know, is something for you?
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